Black Saturday Offer
Saturday, April 7, 2007
And the sellers accepted our offer! HOLY SHEIK! I guess that house will be ours within the next month. We may not be in a rush to move in but at least we have MORE than ample time to move our stuff. And given that the house is 15 minutes from the apartment, having non-rush trips is what's best for us. When Joen got the news first from Nancy that they homeowners had accepted our offer, I guess that's when it really occurred to him that we are THIS close to getting what we've been wanting. When he opened the bedroom door and told me about it while lying beside me in bed, I knew this "FEELING" of owning an actual house will not sink in soon. After all, we were vying for July and it's still April. We ended up laughing and giggling as if to think, "Ok, NOW what do we do? Do we really what to do or what to expect?" Somehow, we both found it extremely funny realizing just how ignorant we were at owning and investing on the most important property we own. Hihihi.
Here it is. But before I sing "Our house... in the middle of the street", we have to realize that it ain't over 'til all the signatures are over.