Monday, May 14, 2007
Saturday, our big mission was to get measurements of the walls where we will be painting in order to know just how much of WHAT paint color we need around the house. With tape measure, a pen and paper at hand and with my reliable Macjen, Joen and I went from wall to wall (well, actually HE did) an
d after he plotted the numbers down on paper, I copied them to Macjen and made an object of it. Complete w
ith colors! Hahaha!
We al
so realized that day that we had better start watering the plants right away lest we want our neighbors to think we are advocates for the El Nino which had started to exist on our lawn. So glass by glass, we went out and watered them withering looking bushes. As for the grass, well, Hoen wa
s itching to mow it but without Jeremy's mower which he volunteered to give to us, we couldn't do anything. So after a lot of one-way conversa
tions with the dandelions, we decided to do the watering tomorrow as it was getting late already and we were getting tremendously hungry. The frequent thunderstorms last week must've let the grass grow much faster. These days, it has been like Philippine temperature. We h
ave been enjoying the 80s and 90s. Well at least, I have. We checked out our neighbors' landscaping and came up with ideas for the house. With the rest of the expenses that go inside the house, we can't do anything too beautiful outside because it can be a budget breaker, So maybe we can start something small and make it a major project spring of next year. We'll see.
BIG BIG HEADSLAPPER FOR THE DAY: We should've bought the hose sprinkler. I mean I wanted to just go ahead and buy it and Joen wanted to test the knob first. I guess we'll be returning it now? Hehe. It was amusing to see Joen brave the calf-high grass in the backyard while some neighbor's sprinkler hissed adoringly by itself. Haha!