Tuesday, June 12, 2007
So Cecil the Plumber (doesn't that just have a nice ring to it? Kinda like Larry the Cable Guy) came over yesterday with his son to check on our leaking dishwasher. He opened up the bottom, ran the thing and for the longest time, it wouldn't leak! But after chatting up a while longer some water did come out and it wasn't from the seal or the sides. It came from one of those wire-y things that came out from that thing and jutted out of that thing which made the whole thing quite complicated. The solution is to fix it but if we were going to have it fixed we might as well get a new one because it costs less than the labor it takes to repair.
So Joen calls Nancy, our agent, and tells her about the problem and if something can still be done about it from the seller's side since this was an existing pre-closing issue. Nothing y
et as of today as their agent is yet to talk to them about it. Nevertheless, Joen was ready to get a new one and if they're willing to pay even just half for it, it would be ok with him. He's certain Nancy will help both ends come to some sort of arrangement. So "Adieu, Dishy Duke!" Come June 26th, your nemesis will take your place and rock you out of your world. I never got to know you but after 2 leaks, you and me just ain't workin'.