Week 5 - We now have an agent!
Sunday, March 4, 2007

Today, we met with Nancy at her office and signed off on our decision to go with her as our agent. Randy also happened to be there so he gave us some breakdowns and detailed explanations on the pre-approved amount and the possible monthly mortgages and their corresponding interests. After that, we sat on the pc with Nancy and accessed their MLS. We got to view houses suitable to our preferences and printed out those we wanted to check out. The meeting stretched on for longer than we thought because we enjoyed just sitting down and talking about stuff outside our primary business. I started calling Nancy, "Mama". Haha. She is so sweet.

Anyway, next weekend, we will start looking at houses already. We have agreed that maybe 2 or 3 each weekend is going to be enough for us. Nancy suggests that we double up our efforts by April so that we can close the deal by May. Woopee! So looking forward to it!