I sucked!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Last weekend, I sucked! I vacuumed, that is. It is usually Hoen's job to vacuum the house but since we got the new ShopVac, I thought it was but fair to have some division of labor. So he mowed and ShopVac'd our garage while I Dyson'd our entire house. That was my first time to vacuum the entire place and I regret not doing it before. I just love sucking the dust out of every corner of the room. If I have to leave it up to Joen to do this dust-sucking pleasure, it would take him ages to gear up. Whilst I, I wouldn't mind doing it once a week. Come winter and we might not have to do it as often

As part of my cleaning, I decided to organize our shoe closet slash basement stock room. It's been weeks since I've organized our shoe closet and it's frustrating having to wear the same shoes over and over simply because I neither have life nor limb to rummage through the whole pile of my dear sole mates. So I got every pair, took a picture of them in case I need to buy boxes in the future, counted them and opened up those closet organizers I got from Ikea. Very convenient and it makes me see all of our shoes. Aaahhhh. The beauty of organization. =)

Before After