Week 6 - Of stupid pictures and organizing
Monday, March 5, 2007
Last night, while Joen was coding, I devoted some time to organizing. I took out all those print outs we had of the houses we were interested to look at before we met Nancy. I arranged these according to price and whether or not they were still active. Next, I browsed through these real estate magazines I saw at Hyvee and encircled the houses we wanted to check out. Other pages I ripped off and piled them together with the print outs as long as they were arranged according to price. Some of them lacked information like location, description and most importantly, the price. So I labeled these pages as "Very interesting", "No price", "No location" or "No description." How can the seller's agent let the owners get way with really crappy advertising? What a waste of money!
Here are a few examples of stupid photos posted on the net.

Wow! All that clutter really encourages potential buyers to "dive in" and buy your property!

Nice firepla... wait. I guess that chair has more of a selling lure than the fireplace.

Nothing describes the function of an ottoman than having a worn pair of jeans lie on top of it.
Sellers' agents PLEASE! Achtung!