Death looms around us
Monday, July 30, 2007
On the weeds, that is. I grew up in a country where weeds, or "sagbut", were harmless. Innocuous. Insignificant. We played on them and didn't really think much of them. They were just... THERE.
Here in the US, weeds are "to be rid of", "avoided" and "by all means, removed!". I never really understood it until we got the house. To make your home re-sellable, you need to take good care of the house and that does NOT exclude the yard. You let your eyes stroll all over your front yard and back yard and just when you think everything is perfect (insert angelic music here), you see something jut out like unshaved armpit hair. It totally destroys the scene. And because I married a geek, he explained everything to me like a science. Why they're there, why they need to be removed and how to remove them. Not that he's an expert or anything. He's just as willing to experiment as I am. So last week, as I had blogged, we sprayed some Weedbegone on them annoying grass-cousins and true enough, they started to whither. Our favorite play gesture was while pointing a finger at the dead weed we'd shout "Death!" Haha.
Yesterday, we did some unrooting. It was a mistake buying only one set of weed removers because I liked doing it more than Joen did! It might have been a fun thing to do but with the number of weeds all over our front yard, it was a painstaking task. I appreciated bigger weeds because at least they were easier to remove. It's those small ones that are tricky. You kind of have to dig your fingers a little, trace the stems and feel them thicken towards the root. Next time, I am getting my own set. Joen finished up at the back yard where there weren't as many weeds as there were up front but they were bigger. This week, he will be doing some fertilizing and whatnot. He wants to get this over and done with so bad.
See those gaps? There used to be weeds in there.

This one is very annoying. I thought this was a group of big weeds but they're a village of small ones. So hard to remove. Nger.
Our backyard (Yessss); Our front yard (Ack!)

I hate weed... and that OTHER kind too
Monday, July 23, 2007

Our backyard has been a real joy. Hoen must be doing something right because the "grass really is greener on other side." The urine spots the past owner left look so much better now and there are probably just two bald spots out there and they're starting to disappear. I wish I could say the same for our front yard. We have weeds there and the grass obviously needs more care-taking.
Tan-tadah-daaaan! Weedbegone weed killer to the rescue! After Hoen did some sprinkling, I did the chemical spraying. And since he is ever the proud one of his 20/20 vision (I hate him for it, by the way), he took care of the finger pointing. Of the grass that is. It doesn't help that I am a tad color blind but I had to have bad vision too. So I sprayed forth! And in my hole-filled house clothes too! Haha
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
And ze kitchen and ze dining area are done! Fini! It's over! We loved this pollen grain color because it is not too candy yellow and it's texture is a bit thicker hence, bolder. We had to use 2 different glosses of the same color since the kitchen had to be, you guessed it, in the kitchen finish. Glossier to make cleaning more convenient. This was the most challenging area for painting because we had to go up beyond the fridge area (believe you me, we did all this without moving a major appliance) and behind the stove. Phew! Countless beads of sweat but so worth it. Don't you just love how the yellow goes with our cupboard? LOVE IT.

I smudged some yellow paint on my favorite Monty Python fridge magnet. :( Just one more room left and that's the Master Bath! Gotta take a break though.
No mooooore cow dung!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
And today, I finally primed our cow dung-colored (seriously) bathroom. It was literally an eye sore each time we walked in.
Our house in virginal again. Primed up the Dining and Kitchen Area yesterday. Have to re-shake our paint because it's been sitting for more than 5 days now. Now almost all the stuff on the kitchen counter are in the living room aside from the dining table, of course.
No more
Monday, July 9, 2007
I don't need to take the Math exam anymore! Yipppeee for no more algebra cramming!
Now back to painting... :D
For now...
And Hoen Dyson'd the house for the first time yesterday. Woohooo! My nose has always been the reliable dust-o-meter. Now I want to roll over on the floor because it is clean, clean, clean!
Oh, and we bought the paint for the Dining Area and kitchen already. Can't wait to start actually. I miss painting.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Pardon me as I take a break from house-blogging. I need to study tons of Algebra and a dash of Calculus.
I know, I know. Eeeek.